An update from our newest grant recipient, Mike Painter
In case you missed our original announcement last month, Mike is a NY State Trooper who lost his leg to Myxofibrosarcoma in March 2020. Last week, Mike returned home to NY from Savannah, GA where he received a fully funded specialized socket, liners, activity knee and a running blade! The Move For Jenn Foundation was able to cover all of the funding, while our friends at Amputee Blade Runners (ABR) built his custom activewear prosthetic.

We spoke with Mike earlier this week and he said, “I can go up and down hills smoothly, almost effortlessly, when walking, and I am getting up and down stairs much easier. I now recognize how much effort I was putting in just to walk previously. I walked last night with no pain in the socket. . . .
I can't believe the level of comfort I have with this socket. I could not do this without a 1 to 2 month break in previously, and even then it was never like this. I want to thank you all for the time, support and energy you put into this. I was hoping to find what I have been missing the last couple of years, and I believe I have. . . .
Again thank you ABR and Move For Jenn, I am forever indebted.”
If you would like to help us fund more sarcoma survivors like Mike, you can make a life changing donation here. We couldn't do it without you!