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Donate To Our Foundation

Your donation will directly support Sarcoma warriors worldwide.

The Move For Jenn Foundation is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity and is committed to providing funding for amputees to stay active.  Our mission of helping other sarcoma amputees was born when Jenn realized there were others who struggle with the cost of additional prosthetics for every activity.  Everyone should have the right to run. Child or adult.  Through our grants, we hope to help as many people as possible!

Learn more about where your donation goes.

"I first reached out to this wonderful organisation over a year ago when we were planning for T's amputation - they have the most life changing mission and the gift of movement to sarcoma amputees is incredible. Despite being across the oceans, they have been a constant source of support and encouragement for our family! - Mom of sarcoma warrior, Baby T

 Click here for a downloadable PDF to learn more about where your donation goes.


  • $1 to $249 - Runner
  • $250 - Sprinter
  • $500 - 5k Association
  • $1,000 - 10k Association
  • $2,500 - Half Marathon Society
  • $5,000 - Marathon Society
  • $10,000 - Ironman Society


  • $125 - Pays for a month of exercise classes for an amputee
  • $225 - Pays for a prosthetic leg liner and accessories
  • $600 - Pays for three months of physical therapy for an amputee
  • $1,800 - Pays for a running blade for an amputee
  • $2,800 - Pays for driving school and car modifications so an amputee can learn to drive again
  • $7,500 - Pays for a custom-made socket for an amputee
  • $10,000 - Covers the entire cost of a running blade, socket and other necessities for an amputee to run again


Can you commit to support us every year? If so, please let us know by joining our annual giving program to help us reach our goals! To learn more or to join, please email


You can designate your funds to go to a specific program, grant, or research project. Contact us for details. If funds are not designated, they will be utilized in the area of greatest need.


  • Donate online: Visit and click “Donate”
  • Mail your donation: 9935-D Rea Rd. #208, Charlotte, NC 28277
  • Volunteer with us or sponsor an event! Contact us for details!
*Costs are estimated and may vary depending on insurance or the type of running blade, socket, etc.