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Giving the Gift of Movement in Loving Memory

Meet Owen Soderholm, a 24-year-old law school student living in Denver, Colorado. On June 14, Owen will be participating in the Ironman 70.3 in Boulder, Colorado in loving memory of his longtime girlfriend's mom, Mercedes Limeres.

When asked about Mercedes, Owen shared that she was a loving mother of four amazing children who was driven by their happiness. Diagnosed with pleomorphic sarcoma, also know as undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma (UPS), Mercedes underwent more than 20 major surgeries during her lifetime, including an amputation of her leg.

Mercedes was fortunate enough to be able to afford a prosthetic that changed her life. As activewear prosthetics are often deemed as "unnecessary" by insurance companies, being able to afford a specialized prosthetic out of pocket is not a reality for many.

Owen said, "she [Mercedes] was still able to go to the park with her youngest kid, drive her older ones to school and go on vacation (her favorite thing). No matter what she had going on with her battle whether it was chemo or just out of a surgery, she was always in a great mood and wanted to be with her family."

As a part of his participation in the Ironman 70.3, Owen is on a mission to raise $10,000 in Mercedes' honor. With these funds, Owen will be able to give the gift of movement through the Move For Jenn Foundation.

If you would like to support Owen's efforts, you can make your fully tax deductible gift to the Move For Jenn Foundation here.

We're so proud of you, Owen! We can only imagine how proud Mercedes must be as well.

The mission of the Move For Jenn Foundation is to offer grants in the form of activewear prosthetics to those who have suffered the loss of a limb to sarcoma or other affiliated diseases. Since most activewear prosthetics are not covered by insurance, the foundation bridges the financial gap to allow amputees to get back to the physical activities they enjoyed prior to amputation.

The Move For Jenn Foundation also aims to find a cure for sarcoma and better treatment options for sarcoma patients. Targeted researchawareness, and advocacy are three core objectives that make the foundation unique.