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Hanger Foundation Awards Move For Jenn an Empowerment Grant

I am sure we have all heard the phrase, “It takes a village,” and when it comes to prosthetic support, it truly does.  We are so honored and humbled that we were chosen as a Hanger Foundation Empowerment Grant recipient for the second time in the fall of 2021! With the funds provided, we were able to fully fund running blades for three sarcoma survivors. 
Leanne Ishida from Hawaii is now able to run leisurely, fully participate in her workouts, and most importantly run with her young son! Leanne told us that her son loves all the driveway races she can now participate in. 
Lucas Rife of Indiana is working hard to learn to run again. Before being awarded his running blade, he saved up for a bicycle with the goal of getting his cardio in. He is on a mission to better health and is excited to not only bike more comfortably in his new running blade, but also learn how to run again! Lucas and his wife have started to plan several outdoor adventures knowing he can now comfortably participate. Lucas is a Hanger Clinic patient, and his prosthetist, DJ, has been so supportive of his goals. 
Nicola Burg of New York lost her leg to sarcoma at the end of 2021. When Nicola was looking into her options, Jenn helped to mentor her through the process. When Nicola decided that surgery was necessary, Jenn was able to walk her through surgery and then through prosthetics. On her surgery date, she inspired her tribe of supporters by asking them to participate virtually in the MFJ 5k/10k to “MOVE BECAUSE YOU CAN,” giving a special appreciation to mobility. Nicola was a surprise Move For Jenn grant recipient in February of 2022. She is learning how to run again and is working to get back to her favorite fitness classes that she enjoyed pre-amputation. Nicola’s mindset is incredible, and she is fully embracing taking her life back after losing a limb. We could not be prouder of her! 
Thanks to the Hanger Foundation, their generosity and partnership, MFJF was able to award running blades to all three of these sarcoma survivors. Through these grants, we were able to replace a piece that cancer stole, restore mobility and a sense of (new) normalcy for these individuals. 
Hanger has a mission to “make the impossible, possible,” and we fully align with this statement. Thank you to the Hanger Foundation team for believing in our mission and for continuing to support MFJF so we can MOVE our organization forward by helping as many sarcoma survivors as possible. We are grateful for you and all that you do!