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Meet our Newest Grant Recipient, Colin

Meet Colin! Colin was diagnosed with osteosarcoma at the young age of five. After his diagnosis, Colin underwent nine months of chemotherapy and a surgical resection of his tumor through a rotationplasty.

Colin had a revisional surgery in 2019 and has been on the move ever since! According to Colin's mom, Colin is one active 10-year-old. He plays baseball for his local little league team and loves to play second base and outfield. Colin also has an interest in playing basketball, football, and sled hockey.

When he's not involved in an organized sport, he spends most of his time hanging with his neighborhood friends doing typical 10-year-old-boy things like riding bikes and swimming. However, Colin has started to realize that he is not able to run as well as his friends. As he says, "I can only skip. I need to be able to run again."

Colin also told his mom, “If I had a blade I could run in P.E. at school, and I could run the bases faster and not be out.”

We are so excited to partner with our friends at Amputee Blade Runners to give Colin the gift of movement! Because of support from amazing people like you, we will be funding Colin's new running blade while our friends at ABR will build it. We will also be giving Colin a proper socket and liners along with all of the tools he needs to be most successful in his new prosthetic.

Earlier this month, Colin and his family traveled to Nashville from New Jersey to meet the ABR team and to start the build of Colin's custom prosthetic.

We love our friends at ABR for a number of reasons. Not only are they incredible people, but we also share a similar mission - to give the gift of movement. "At Amputee Blade Runners, we believe every person deserves the opportunity to be an athlete on their own terms."

We can't wait to share more about Colin's journey!


Sarcoma Fact
"Osteosarcoma is a type of bone cancer that begins in the cells that form bones. Osteosarcoma is most often found in the long bones — more often the legs, but sometimes the arms — but it can start in any bone." - Mayo Clinic