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So Every BODY Can Move

The Move For Jenn Foundation was born when Jenn realized the financial burden of being an active amputee. Post surgery, Jenn was thrown into the harsh reality of expensive prosthetics coupled with a lack of support from insurance companies.

Activewear prosthetics for below the knee amputees in the U.S. can cost an average of $10,000 - $15,000 and more often than not, are deemed medically "unnecessary" by insurance companies, leaving amputees to pay for prosthetics out of pocket. Not to mention, prosthetics of any kind must be replaced every 3-5 years, making the average lifetime cost of an amputee more than 3x higher than the average lifetime cost of those without limb loss.

In addition, prosthetics can cost up to $50,000 for above the knee amputees as well as for those outside of the United States.

Outraged by this, Jenn knew that she wanted to help ease the financial burden for as many amputees as possible. A pillar of the MFJ Foundation has been, and always will be, giving the gift of movement to those affected by sarcoma and affiliated diseases.

At Move For Jenn, we believe that movement is a right, not a privilege. Our friends, and Move For Jenn grant recipients, Taylor Hosey Ray and Kyle Stepp share in this belief.

Taylor and Kyle first met in Charlotte, North Carolina at the Move For Jenn Pajamas All Day 5K/10K in November of 2023. They instantly connected. As their conversation continued, Kyle shared about the work he was doing with So Every BODY Can Move.

Kyle and Jenn at the Pajamas All Day 5K/10K in November of 2023

"So Every BODY Can Move is disrupting healthcare inequity by mobilizing grassroots advocates to champion local, state-by-state legislative change. We’re committed to ending discriminatory healthcare treatment for the disability community and creating insurance coverage for recreational prosthetic and orthotic care one state at a time." - So Every BODY Can Move

In March of 2023, Kyle helped to get HB 131 signed into law in his home state of New Mexico. At the time, Kyle shared, "The bill ensures O&P care is covered at the same level as Medicare, expands access to orthotics and prosthetics necessary for physical activity for all ages, defines medical necessity and non-discrimination standards for coverage of O&P, and prohibits unfair trade practices on the basis of disability."

Kyle's current role with So Every BODY Can Move as a legislative advocacy coach is to support other states to introduce and implement orthotic and prosthetic legislation.

Kyle celebrating the passing of HB 131 in the New Mexico Senate

Kyle was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in 2008 and became an above the knee amputee in 2020. Growing up in a broken home and moving in and out of foster care, Kyle's "only outlet to navigate the pain and loss were getting outside or participating in community sports." Kyle's love for sports has only grown over his lifetime and he is now an Elite Para Triathlete!

In early 2023 Kyle said, "It wasn’t until my left leg was amputated above the knee that I started taking my passion and love movement to the next level. My journey with movement and sports changed after my surgery because I leaned into the adaptive sports community, which introduced me to the world of para sports competitions and elite paraclassifications."

At the beginning of 2023, we were thrilled to gift Kyle an Obsidian Running Blade as well as a leg "stump cup" for his bike - giving him the opportunity to equally balance his hips and bodyweight, all while cycling one sided.

Taylor was diagnosed with Ewing's sarcoma in January of 2023. Taylor's life was immediately put on hold meaning nursing school, her wedding, and a move to a new state would be need to take a back seat.

After originally being diagnosed with a pyogenic granuloma, pathology came back as Ewing's sarcoma with positive margins.

Taylor was told that she would need to begin 14 rounds of chemotherapy ASAP. Surgery to amputate below the knee took place after five rounds of chemo with a revisional surgery just one month later.

However, through it all, Taylor remained positive and focused on her goals ahead, which currently includes running in the Boston Marathon.

We were thrilled to be able to give Taylor the gift of movement with a Fillauer AllPro, a Fillauer Running Blade, and an Össur Heel High Adjustable prosthetic. Check out Taylor showing off her adjustable foot here.

Taylor and Jenn embracing at the Pajamas All Day 5K/10K

Also shocked to lean that her insurance company would not cover activewear prosthetics, Taylor shared, "As an amputee it is a rude awakening to realize we need tools in order to be able to move our body or live the way we want. These tools are extremely expensive, and insurance is in control if we get them or not."

After becoming an amputee, Kyle said that his new abilities showed him "that anything is possible when you have access." Sadly, that access is not guaranteed.

When Taylor heard about the work Kyle was doing with So Every BODY Can Move, she knew she wanted to join their efforts.

As soon as Taylor learned that a number of individuals in her home state of Ohio were working on legislation similar to the legislation Kyle helped to pass in New Mexico, she knew she wanted to be a part of the movement.

As part of their efforts, the team organized a mobility clinic at Ohio State University that included volunteers from Ohio State Rehabilitation along with prosthetists from all over the state. With over 40 attendees, the event was a huge success!

Ohio Mobility Clinic

We are so proud of Kyle and Taylor! Not only for their work with So Every BODY Can Move, but also for their kind and caring hearts along with their unwavering determination to make the world more inclusive and accessible for all.

Taylor at the Mobility Clinic at Ohio State

As we work to support the So Every BODY Can Move legislation, we will continue to help bridge the gap by funding grants in the form of activewear prosthetics for those who have lost a limb to sarcoma or affiliated diseases. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance with a prosthetic, learn more about our mission and apply for a grant here.

To learn more about how you can get involved with legislative change in your state or to see if your state has new coverage for O&P for physical activity, visit the So Every BODY Can Move website.