Sponsor Highlight: Lincoln Financial Group

Event Sponsors
The Move For Jenn Foundation is lucky to have the support from a number of sponsors for our upcoming first annual Pajamas All Day 5K event that will be hosted on November 2nd, 2019. We’d like to highlight Lincoln Financial Group for their generous contribution of becoming our Title Sponsor. They have been a pleasure to partner with for this event, and love giving back to the community.

Jenn had the pleasure of working at Lincoln Financial Group from 2008-2011. Ryan Hawley, AVP, Regional Manager - Distribution, held a meeting before Jenn's surgery and had their office walk together on her surgery day per Jenn's request to #movebecauseyoucan. Their office made local media headlines and even had Seth Avett (from the Avett Brothers band) give Jenn a shoutout on the news (video here)!
The Lincoln Financial Group also invited both Miles & Jenn Andrews to attend an exclusive client event in Asheville, NC where an amputee, Jeff Glasbrenner, was the keynote speaker. Jay Spence from Lincoln Financial Group also ran the Isabella Santos 5K with Miles and Jenn (which was Jenn's first post-surgery 5k) along with the rest of the Move For Jenn team of 137 people.

How Sponsorships Allow Us To Give Back
Our efforts go even further when we have the support of other local businesses as our sponsors. Any and all contributions to our events is extremely helpful. The Move For Jenn Foundation continues to raise money to fulfill applications for individuals who have lost a limb to sarcoma and who are needing an active-wear prosthetic and hopes to help as many people as they can for years to come.How To Support the Move For Jenn Foundation
Contact us today if your company is interested in volunteering, sponsoring one of our events, or would like to become a sustaining sponsor. We also have fun cancer-fighting shirts for sale on our website. All proceeds go towards fighting sarcoma and giving amputees an opportunity to keep moving!Thank You Lincoln Financial Group!
With Lincoln Financial Group with us at our upcoming event, we will be one step closer in achieving this season’s fundraising goal. Thank you Lincoln Financial Group for being a part of an event close to our heart.