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Move For Jenn Open 2024

Thank you to everyone who supported the third annual Move For Jenn Open that took place on Monday, May 20 at TPC Piper Glen!

Thank you to our Title Sponsor, One Digital

We are incredibly grateful for our sponsors, golfers, volunteers, board members, staff, and everyone who helped to make the third annual Move For Jenn Open such a success. We're thrilled to share that the tournament raised over $110,000!

Over 150 golfers, 36 sponsors, and more than 25 volunteers came together to #MoveBecauseWeCan on Monday, May 20 at TPC Piper Glen in support of the Move For Jenn Foundation.

The mission of the Move For Jenn Foundation is to offer grants in the form of activewear prosthetics to those who have suffered the loss of a limb to sarcoma or other affiliated diseases. Since most activewear prosthetics are not covered by insurance, the foundation bridges the financial gap to allow amputees to get back to the physical activities they enjoyed prior to amputation.

Not only was the day filled with fun and fundraising, it was also filled with surprises. The foundation was able to grant osteosarcoma amputee, Mike Cacioppo a water foot from Ottobock.

Mike, a Boston, Massachusetts native connected with Jenn through Instagram prior to his amputation. Jenn was able to mentor Mike and his wife through this journey and help prepare them both mentally and physically for what the future would hold. Jenn and Mike have stayed in touch through social media and we were thrilled to be able to invite him to the 2024 Move For Jenn Open. Mike expressed a desire to be able to get back to enjoying time in the water with his family and the Move For Jenn Foundation knew that we wanted to help make that dream a reality.

Mike's sarcoma story began in the fall of 2021 when he noticed a small bump on the outside of his ankle. He kept an eye on it and when he noticed that it wasn't going away, he had it looked it. When given his diagnosis, he heard "osteosarcoma," "amputation," and "chemo" all in the same sentence. Mike shared with his wife, Katie, that he was feeling very alone after his diagnosis. Katie immediately jumped online to find people on the internet who he could connect with, leading Mike and Katie to Jenn.

Mike started chemo in November of 2021, followed by a below the knee amputation in February of 2022, followed by even more chemo. "After completing the chemo course and eventually getting my prosthesis, I started to try and put my life back together," said Mike.

"Unfortunately, on the scans in March of 2023, two lung nodules were found." Mike started a different chemo regimen, which he finished in August of 2023, "so once again I was trying to live my life for for myself and my family (I’m a dad of two boys, Ben and Charlie who were in 4th and 6th grade when I first got diagnosed)."

In January of 2024, another nodule was found and Mike started oral chemo which he has been on since. Thankfully, his last scan in March showed that the chemo is working! There are no new nodules and the one that he does have is shrinking.

Mike shared, "As Jenn said at the event, as a cancer patient you just realize how special each little moment is. I have been skiing twice now as an amputee, and now with this swim foot that I received from MFJ, I can keep enjoying all those moments with my family."

Not only were we able to surprise Mike with a new prosthetic, we were able to share the news that the Move For Jenn Foundation was able to gift $30,000 to a Levine Cancer Institute sarcoma specific research project!

With thanks to our Board of Directors President, Jenny Sage, and her daughter Gracie, Levine will be able to test the genomic makeup of sarcoma tumors through this research project. This will allow the doctors to see what treatments are responsive and which aren’t. The project will also allow over 100 children to have better treatment options for their sarcoma by being more efficient with treatments that are receptive and not putting patients through treatments that are not.

Learn more about Jenny and Gracie and their incredible fundraising efforts here.

Want to help us fund an additional $30,000 so we can fund the entire project? Your gift of any size will help us get there!

From left to right, Jenny Sage, Dr. Joshua Patt, Dr. Megan Jagosky, & Jenn Andrews

The funds raised from the Move For Jenn Open will help us continue our mission to provide activewear prosthetic grants to sarcoma amputees, fund sarcoma-specific research, and support those diagnosed with sarcoma through our advocacy program.

Thank you to the Move For Jenn Open 2024 Presenting Sponsor, OneDigital, as well as our top sponsors, Providence Plastic SurgeryTito's Handmade VodkaMiddle James Brewing Company, Milwaukee Tool, and Williams Concrete.

Did you make a donation on Monday? Be sure to see if your employer matches donations! Learn more.

View event photos here.

Did you attend the event and would like to share feedback with our team? Email Kelsey here.